A genome contains all of the genetic information about an organism. 基因组包含了一种生物所有的基因信息。
Heres hoping that ever-cheaper genome analysis accelerates the use of genetic information. 希望能出现更廉价的基因组测定方法来加快对基因信息的使用。
Life on Earth stores genetic information in DNA. 地球上的生命在DNA中储存了基因信息。
They are hoping to use genetic information from 100 African plants and trees that researchers have largely ignored, but food scientists say these crops have lots of possibilities. 他们希望利用非洲100种研究人员基本忽略了的作物和树木的遗传资料,但粮食科学家称这些作物存在多种可能性。
He then went on to make important discoveries about the structure of ribonucleic acid, or RNA, and the way RNA translated genetic information in DNA. 之后,他又继续发现了核糖核酸(RNA)的结构,以及RNA将遗传信息翻译到DNA当中的方式,这些发现都十分重要。
Both species hold large pieces of genetic information about the other. 两个物种都拥有大量彼此的遗传信息。
On the other hand, they may be the most highly evolved form of genetic information on the planet. 另一方面,它们可能是地球上进化程度最高的遗传信息形式。
Further studies will focus on different forms of cancer and their genotypes, or genetic information. 将来的研究应关注不同类型癌症、基因型或者遗传学信息方面。
We can provide more than enough genetic information to account for the variability in nature. 可提供的遗传信息对于解释自然界中的变异性来说已经绰绰有余。
Each clone has the same genetic information as the original. 每个无性系都具有与母体相同的遗传信息。
The faithful chromosome segregation is crucial for transmitting the genetic information accurately in eukaryotic organisms. 染色体分离是真核生物正确传递遗传信息的关键。
Three kinds of growth result from different expression of intracellular genetic information. 三种生长均是细胞内的遗传信息不同表达的结果。
The government should set up a special body to monitor insurance companies scientific and equitable use of genetic information. 在允许商业保险区别对待的同时,政府应成立专门的机构监管保险公司科学和公平地使用基因信息。
Spindle assembly checkpoint in mitosis is very important for insuring the stability of genetic information. 在细胞有丝分裂中纺锤体检查点对保证遗传信息的稳定性有着重要的调控意义。
Further study is warranted to investigate the association of this heterogeneity with lifestyle or genetic information. 临床表型存在高度的异质性,是否与生活习惯或基因多态性有关有待进一步研究。
It is the particular sequence of the nucleotide blocks along the molecule that encodes the genetic information. 沿着分子核苷酸的特定序列为遗传信息编码。
Each daughter cell can receive a full complement of the genetic information. 每个子细胞可以收到遗传信息的一个完全补偿物。
In a different case, a ruling last week in New York has renewed debate about who can "own" genetic information. 在另外一个案件中,上周纽约的一份裁决重新点燃了关于谁可以享有基因信息的争论。
Each individual has a completely unique set of genetic information. 每个人都有一套完全不同的遗传信息。
DNA repair is essential for the accurate preservation of genetic information and to ensure the healthy functioning of cells, and a connection between aging and DNA damage has long been suspected. DNA修复对遗传信息的准确保存和确保细胞的正常功能是必需的,年龄和DNA损伤的关系一直存在疑问。
They improved computer programs used to study large amounts of genetic information. 他们改进了用于研究海量遗传基因信息的计算机程序。
In the dystrophin gene, and in most of human genes, this genetic information is not contiguous. 在肌营养不良蛋白基因,在人类基因大多数,这种遗传信息不连续的。
There are two ways for information transfer between human beings: genetic information and non-genetic information. 而非遗传信息主要靠感觉和学习来获得,这种籍传媒的信息获取可能在人类中才具有。
DNA is a nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in the cell. 脱氧核糖核酸是一种在细胞中带有基因信息的核酸。
The company promises to keep the genetic information private by giving its labs only customer numbers, not names. 公司保证将只给实验室顾客编号而不是姓名,以此保护客户的基因信息隐私权。
Or strand of hair, contains all the genetic information we need. 或者一束头发,都含有我们需要的遗传信息。
Then the virus releases its genetic information ( RNA) into the cell's nucleus to replicate itself. 然后,将其的遗传信息&核糖核酸(RNA)释放进细胞的细胞核进行自我复制。
The result showed that SSR was powerful to identify sunflower varietal purity with abundant genetic information and high sensitivity. 这表明SSR方法所含信息量大、灵敏度高,可用于向日葵品种纯度鉴定。
The zygote has a fixed complement of genetic information in its nucleus. 合子的核中具有固定的全部遗传信息。
Researchers do not yet understand how the genetic information is transferred from father to child. 目前研究人员还没有搞清楚这种基因信息是如何从父代传递到子代的。